White Hat Link Building & the Value of Measuring Search Rankings


 White Hat Link Building & the Value of Measuring Search Rankings

Each week, the Weekly Measure focuses on the latest industry news in the areas of content marketing, paid search, social media, SEO and link building. In addition to the latest news highlights, we include a regularly updated schedule of conferences featuring industry experts, including those from Vertical Measures. Make sure to bookmark the Vertical Measures blog and keep current with the Weekly Measure in order to stay informed on the latest trends and updates in the internet marketing world.
Jodi Harris posted about interactive content on Content Marketing Institute. Harris looks at the value of interactivity and analyzes examples from each stage of the sales funnel.
Dana Kajtezovic shared a list of resources the Vertical Measures team utilizes in day-to-day operations with clients. The highlighted tools range from those used for project management to marketing automation and email marketing. At the end of her post, she provides a link to information on Vertical Measures’ Content Coaching program as well as a download for a free sample coaching plan.
Rachael Law wrote about PPC seasonality on PPC Hero. Law discusses how to identify seasonal trends, plan ads around them and prepare a proper budget.
Abby Woodcock posted an article about Structured Snippets on the Clix Marketing blog. She details four tips for analyzing their performance during testing.

Snapchat was the subject of Marissa Breton’s post on Hubspot. Breton breaks down Snapchat’s basic functionality, and cover how Hubspot utilizes the platform to demonstrate how other businesses can successfully implement it into their marketing strategies.
Donna Amos covered Facebook Canvas ads on Social Media Examiner. She lists six methods for creating quality ads that focus on what content to include and how to track their effectiveness.
Donna Amos covered Facebook Canvas ads on Social Media Examiner. She lists six methods for creating quality ads that focus on what content to include and how to track their effectiveness.
On Hubspot, Lindsay Kolowich posted about white hat tactics for building backlinks. She reviews thirty-three ways to obtain free backlinks that will have a positive effect on rankings.
Be sure to check out Arnie Kuenn’s speaker session on “How to Map Your Content to Your Sales Funnel”Arnie Kuenn’s will be presenting “Forget Keywords – What’s Next with Content Optimization” as well hosting a half day Content Marketing Intensified workshopArnie Kuenn will be hosting a pre-conference workshop on “The Proven 8 Step Formula to Content Marketing” and also speaking on “How to Get 77% More Traffic from Your Existing Content” at the main conferenceTags: arnie kuenn, content marketing, internet marketing, Link Building, paid search, PPC, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Social Media, Social Media Marketing, vertical measures

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